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Spiritual Humanism

Spiritual Humanism


Principles and Tenets of
Spiritual Humanism
1. Behold Nature with reverence.
By instinct we are inspired by the beauty of nature – a fiery sunset, the starry night sky, springtime flowers, or autumn leaves.

2. Base religion upon Reason.

Religious truth can only be found through science, the basis of all the knowledge that makes our civilization possible.

3. Treat all people as equals.

Everyone deserves the same level of respect, opportunities, and right to be happy. No one is born as a superior to anyone else.

4. Act to reduce suffering and misery, act to advance contentment and happiness.

Everyone must obey the same standards of good and bad behavior. Doing good deeds makes the world a better place.

5. Protect things that belong to everyone.

Fresh air, clean rivers, and healthy oceans are all things that every one has a right to enjoy, and no one has a right to spoil. It’s our duty to protect these public treasures.





6. Celebrate seasons and cycles with ritual.

We are part of nature. Recognizing it brings us closer to our natural roots.

7. Cultivate spiritual abilities by application.

By practicing we can get better at being inspired and knowing our own abilities.

8. Exalt the correlation between the past the present and the future.

What we do today affects the world of the future. Things done in the past like preserving the environment, finding cures for diseases, or writing an inspiring song, still help us today.

9. Champion these principles.

When you believe in something you must be ready to stand up for yourself and defend it. Otherwise some one else will step in and make things worse.

10. Improve these codes as we learn more.

Only through learning and changing our actions based on the new information can we grow and make the world better. Even our dearest beliefs must always be open to improvement.

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